Our primary focus is to provide the best quality experience to the vast community that requires hearing aid solutions in the area.
The most important quality that we have acquired during 27 years of service in this industry is to ‘LISTEN' to our patients. Listen to their needs, their goals and their frustrations. By being able to listen, we have found a special connection and this has led us to be recognized with multiple awards in the industry.
Our Team
Terry Walters Clinic Director & CEO
Terry is passionate about helping communities. Born and raised in Lima Ohio, he served in the US Marine Corps and has been able to improve thousands of lives for over 27 years in the hearing aid industry, delivering exceptional service and listening to each one of his patients. Terry is a member in good standing with the International Hearing Society and the Florida Society of Hearing Healthcare Professionals. He also is one of the few specialists that provides in-home service for his patients who do not have the ability to visit our offices. Mr. Walters is also certified in cerumen management at our clinics. His continuous education and training have made him recognized as one of the leaders in our country in the hearing healthcare community. After a successful career in the corporate world, Terry and his family decided to open their own clinics in South Florida where he has practiced for years before.
Our Team
Dr. Nathalie Fernandez-Roque Clinical Audiologist
Dr. Fernandez-Roque received her Doctorate in Audiology from the University of Florida in 2000. She received her Master’s degree from the University of Florida in 1979.Dr. Fernandez-Roque is a fellow of the American Academy of Audiology and the Florida Academy of Audiology. She is Board Certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She is also National Board Certified as a Hearing Instrument Specialist and licensed in the state of Florida. She is fluent in English, Spanish & French. Dr. Fernandez-Roque has served on the Boards for the Florida Academy of Audiology and the Florida Speech-Language and Hearing Association. She has served as Clinical Supervisor for Nova University since the inception of their Audiology department as well as an Adjunct Professor. She has also served as a consultant for various Otolaryngologists in South Florida for Vestibular Assesment and Management. She has been practicing Audiology since 1979.
Our Team
Jenny WaltersBusiness Manager
Jenny is our Financial Director. Born and raised in Colombia, South America, she graduated with honors (Cum Laude) from Jefferson State College in Birmingham Alabama. She has built a successful career in business & financial management. After many years working for corporations, she decided to join Terry and combine forces.
Our Team
Margaret HowardHearing Aid Specialist
Margaret is a licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist and has been working in the field since she received her bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Florida State University in 2018. She is born and raised in Boynton Beach, Florida. An active member of the International Hearing Society. She is very passionate about her career and helping others and often will go the extra mile to ensure that her patients get the care they deserve.
Our Team
Cherylan BrooksDoctor of Audiology
Cherylan is a Doctor in audiology, her life journey has been to help people to communicate with loved ones and friends using personal listening devices. In 2008 she earned her Doctorate from Salus University. On her spare time, she enjoys playing golf and going to the beach on the weekends.
Our Team
David ZamoraDirector of Business Development
David has a Master’s degree in International Business and has worked for multiple corporations including fortune 500 companies in Latin America and the U.S. He created a consultancy company and has helped multiple businesses achieved their business and operational goals. David is our Director of Business Development.
Our Team
Nathalie CardonaAdministrative Assistant
Nathalie is our Administrative Assistant. Before joining our company she worked in human resources as a senior recruiter. She assists our Financial Director. Nathalie has a major in Psychology.
Reasons to Choose Us

Compassionate Care

For Us it's not about sales, It's a Journey for Wellness.

We Really Listen to Your Needs, and We Mean It!

We Will Always Strive to Find the Right Product for Each Patient.

We are always open to communicate with your loved ones about your needs.

Our Best Marketing Plan is our Patient's Testimonials
Our Manufacturers